The Ultimate Guide: Troubleshooting Common Gutenberg Editor Issues

Learn how to troubleshoot common Gutenberg editor issues, including loading problems, block misalignment, slow performance, disappearing content, incompatibilities, and JavaScript errors.

The Gutenberg editor (released as a part of WordPress 5.0 in December 2018) has revolutionized the way content is created in WordPress, offering a very flexible and intuitive block-based system, much better than the old Classic editor WordPress used to have.

However, like any online tool, it can sometimes present challenges or have issues that come with an open-sourced system that developers around the world are able to build themes, plugins and extensions for.

This guide will help you troubleshoot common Gutenberg editor issues you might encounter while using the WordPress core editor.

I hope this post helps you to find the issue!

A Common Solution on How to debug WordPress editor issues:

Before we jump into the different Gutenberg editor issues you may encounter when using the WP block editor, it’s important to note that most problems are often due to plugin or theme conflicts. Either a conflict with each other, or a conflict with WordPress.

And, since many users can build products for WordPress, these conflicts can be quite common.

The main debugging step I recommend is to disable all installed plugins and check if the issue is resolved.

Yes, it’s fixed:

Great! Now, activate the plugins one-by-one, and after each activation… Test to see if the issue comes back, this way you should be able to easily narrow it down to find the plugin that is causing the problem. Then, contact the plugin developers to sort it out.

No, the issue is still there:

Ok, so then it’s not a plugin issue… Next is to try activating another theme and then see if the issue is resolved. If it is, then you may need to try out another theme, or contact the theme developers and check if they can help fix it or give you a solution. If that didn’t fix it, then keep reading…

Let’s go through the more common Gutenberg editor issues that you will run into, if any.

1) JavaScript Errors [most common]

Troubleshooting Common Gutenberg Editor Issues - Javascript Errors -

JavaScript errors are on of the more common issues you will experience when building a site… These errors can significantly impair the functionality of the Gutenberg editor, causing various features to break or not work as expected.

With WordPress being an open-sourced platform where many different developers can build on top of it, these errors often arise from conflicts between different scripts loaded by plugins or themes.

Monitoring the browser console for JavaScript errors and disabling conflicting plugins can help identify and fix these issues.

What Happens:

  • Errors displayed in the browser console.
  • Editor functionality is impaired or the editor stops working.

This issue is usually pretty easy to resolve as you can open the browser console to see where the error is coming from, or Scroll back to the plugin test for this.

Possible Solutions:

  • Disable Conflict Plugins: JavaScript errors often stem from plugin conflicts. Follow the plugin test suggestion.
  • Browser Console: Open your browser’s developer tools (“Command + Option + J” on Mac OR “Ctrl + Shift + I” on Windows) and check the console for JavaScript errors. The errors often provide clues about which scripts are causing problems.

2) Editor Unresponsive / Slow, Lagging Editor [not too common]

Troubleshooting Common Gutenberg Editor Issues - Editor Slow or Lagging Issues -

An unresponsive or slow Gutenberg editor can be frustrating and really hinder your productivity.

This issue is usually caused by high memory usage, outdated versions, limited hardware resources, and background processes. Managing tabs, extensions, and keeping the browser updated can really help.

Server issues like high load and frequent autosaves could possibly slow down the editor. Overwhelmed servers, slow databases, and network latency contribute to the lag. Optimizing server settings and reducing autosave frequency can enhance editor performance.

What Happens:

  • Editor is very slow or freezes.
  • Delayed typing response or adding of blocks, etc

Possible Solutions:

  • Browser Performance: Ensure your browser is up to date and not overloaded with extensions that could affect performance, maybe also don’t have a million tabs open at once.
  • Keep Updated: Make sure your WP, your theme and all plugins are all up to date and fully compatible.
  • Ensure you’re with a good host: Ensuring you’re with a good hosting provider is always recommended.

3) Content or Blocks Disappearing / Not Saving [does happen]

Troubleshooting Common Gutenberg Editor Issues - Editor Blocks Not Saving -

Content disappearing or not saving in the Gutenberg editor can be alarming and result in lost work.

This issue often occurs due to conflicts between the editor and other plugins or themes, leading to failed save attempts. In some instances, the autosave feature might not function correctly, causing content to be lost if the browser crashes or the session times out.

Another possible cause could be an issue with the plugin block… If you experience this, find out which plugin is providing the block that is breaking, and then contact the plugin developers for a fix.

What Happens:

  • Changes are not saved.
  • Content or blocks disappear after publishing.

Possible Solutions:

  • Check Autosave: WordPress automatically saves drafts. Check the autosave feature by clicking on “View Autosave” if your content disappears.
  • Contact Developers: Once you know which block or which plugin is causing this issue, contact the plugin developers to fix it for you or to help you troubleshoot the issue.
  • Revisions: Use the revisions feature to restore previous versions of your content. This can help recover lost changes.

4) Editor Incompatibility Issues / Editor Crashes [does happen]

Troubleshooting Common Gutenberg Editor Issues - Editor Breaks -

Block editor incompatibility occurs when certain blocks do not function correctly or display as intended. The whole editor will crash and not be usable at all.

This can be due to running outdated versions of WordPress, plugins, or themes that are not compatible with the latest Gutenberg updates.

Third-party block plugins may also introduce compatibility issues if they are not maintained or tested with the current WordPress version.

What Happens:

  • Certain blocks do not work, or they display incorrectly.
  • Missing block options.

Possible Solutions:

  • Update WordPress and Plugins: Ensure you are running the latest version of WordPress and all plugins. Updates often include bug fixes and compatibility improvements.
  • Disable Block Plugins: A third-party block plugin might be causing conflicts. Disable block plugins and see if the issue persists.
  • Use Default Blocks or Find Another Plugin: If a specific custom block is causing issues, use default Gutenberg blocks as a workaround while investigating the problem.

5) Blocks Don’t Look Good / Not Aligning [not common]

Troubleshooting Common Gutenberg Editor Issues - Alignment Issues -

If certain blocks in the Gutenberg editor do not align as expected, or do just not look good, it can disrupt the visual layout of your content.

These Gutenberg editor issues often arise from custom CSS added by themes or plugins that overrides the default styling of Gutenberg blocks.

Responsive design considerations are crucial… Blocks may align properly on desktop but not on mobile or tablet devices due to incorrect or missing responsive settings.

What Happens:

  • Blocks are not displaying as expected.
  • Alignment settings have no effect.

Possible Solutions:

  • Check for Custom CSS: Custom CSS in your theme or plugins might be affecting block alignment. Inspect the page code using browser developer tools (if you know how) to identify any conflicting styles.
  • Responsive Design Issues: Ensure that your blocks are configured for responsiveness. Check settings for mobile and tablet views to make sure blocks align correctly across devices.
  • Contact the Developers or Find Another Plugin: This issue will be caused by a plugin you’ve added, either contact the developers for help to make it look better, or find another plugin that does what you’re needing.

Troubleshooting Editor Issues: Conclusion

The Gutenberg editor is a powerful tool for creating rich content in WordPress, but it can present challenges. By systematically troubleshooting these Gutenberg editor issues and identifying conflicts, you can often resolve problems quickly and efficiently.

Always keep your WordPress installation, themes, and plugins up to date to minimize compatibility issues.

If you encounter persistent problems, consider reaching out to the WordPress community or support forums for additional assistance… Or, reach out to us and I’d be happy to help.